Version 3.031 - March 13 2025 [Download]
- NEW RSPile Scripting
- NEW Triangular and radial pile patterns
- NEW Water pressure grids
- NEW Local shear failure of Helical Piles
- FIX Using buoyant unit weight in modified bearing capacity equation
- FIX Batter angles of piles showing error messages for angles less than 70 when editing angle in Cap Designer
Version 3.030 - February 18 2025 [Download]
- FIXED Missing chart output options for grouped pile analysis
- FIXED Export All Data to Excel" not including all available data
Version 3.029 - January 30 2025 [Download|
- NEW RSInsight access from Help menu
Version 3.028 - December 10 2024 [Download]
- NEW Simplified Spring Constants
- NEW Users may select between "Automatic" and "Evenly" spaced load divisions for pile head stiffness matrix analysis
- CHANGED Improvements to the Pile Head Stiffness Matrix Analysis Calculator methodology
- CHANGED Removed load factors from pile head stiffness matrix dialog
- FIXED Traction Property showing error message when switching tabs with valid grid entries
- FIXED Load and Angle divisions appearing after unchecking the Calculate Factored Interaction M-P checkbox in the Project Settings dialog
Version 3.027 - November 7 2024 [Download]
- FIXED Issue with RSPile crashing when files are saved in OneDrive locations
Version 3.026 - October 4 2024 [Download]
- NEW Helical Pile Capacity Calculations
- CHANGED Default transparency of 3D Interaction Surfaces set to 80%
- CHANGED Depths for pile interface curves will no longer need to be re-entered
- FIXED Units for pile cross section inconsistent with report generator
- FIXED Loads from load cases containing special characters not applied to piles while importing multiple load cases
- FIXED Appearance of pile cap in 3D cap designer view
- FIXED Warning message for missing soil parameters when importing LPILE files
- FIXED Improving import of duplicated load cases for multiple load case import
- FIXED Preventing piles of length 0 being added
- FIXED Program crash when pressing 'Delete' key on certain column headers for grid
- FIXED Several fixes to v1 file reading
- FIXED Improvement to display units appearance in Pile Sections dialog
Version 3.025 - June 17 2024 [Download]
- NEW Eurocode in interaction diagram
- NEW P-delta effect
- CHANGED Unit system name modified to SI, USCS for metric and imperial units respectively
- CHANGED Improved unit system for the cross-section designer
- CHANGED Improved multiple load case import feature including: fix for flickering after computing, post import checks, and clearing cells in excel.
Version 3.024 - March 21 2024 [Download]
- NEW Multiple load cases feature
Version 3.023 - March 8 2024 [Download]
- FIXED issue where pile head stiffness or pushover analysis settings were enabled in capacity calculation mode which caused issues with compute. This fix applies to all files now.
- FIXED issue with SPT-N issue where soil layers are outside the range of the defined SPT depth.
- FIXED Load and angle division input box appearing in general tab of project settings outside the interaction diagrams tab.
- CHANGED Added additional check on SPT-N values and depth from soil properties and soil layers. SPT-N values are referenced with respect to the ground surface.
- CHANGED Removed ‘Show classic Menus’ from Toolbar.
Version 3.022 - October 3 2023 [Download]
- NEW Lpile import
- FIXED ungroup button to appear in drop-down when right-clicking on a pile.
- FIXED state of pushover analysis to default (not selected) when switching between different analysis types.
- FIXED pile cap location issue with load.
- FIXED plot pushover showing for computed rotated piles.
- FIXED use SPT with depth that was not relative to ground surface of soil.
- FIXED allowable FS for zone capacity table in graph
Version 3.021 - September 7 2023 [Download]
- CHANGED Message for Maintenance+ subscription.
Version 3.020 - August 11 2023 [Download]
- NEW Axial pushover analysis
- CHANGED 3D interaction surface moved to project settings in interaction diagrams tab
- CHANGED Removed plot interaction diagram dialogue
- CHANGED 3D interaction surface visualization
- CHANGED Added y axis for interaction diagram label
- CHANGED Defaults button back on all project settings tab
- FIXED End bearing display issue
- FIXED Pile length analysis to be disabled with non-uniform piles
- FIXED Export data to excel for pushover analysis
- FIXED Units on tz curve
- Fixed Disabled pushover analysis for rotated piles. Also, pushover analysis is performed with only one direction (either axial or lateral)
Version 3.019 - July 04 2023 [Download]
- NEW Tutorial 15 - capacity ratio of reinforced concrete pile.
- FIXED RSPile - Slide2 integration when reinforced concrete pile is used
- FIXED Interaction Diagram Points missing some points in the graph for edge cases
Version 3.018 - May 26 2023 [Download]
- NEW 3D Interaction Diagram surface
- CHANGED Default values for interaction diagram number of steps (12 for angle, 32 for load)
- CHANGED Capacity ratio calculation / option only shown in reinforced concrete section
- CHANGED Rotational stiffness removed from stiffness calculator
- FIXED Pile head deflection Z' have units and consistent value output
- FIXED Skin friction not accounting for user-defined adhesion
- FIXED Axial resistance shows the label shear resistance
- FIXED Skin friction yielding wrong results
- FIXED Sections Combobox Dropdown Empty After Going to 2D View From Another Chart View
- FIXED Stiffness matrix for axial stiffness revisited
- FIXED Stiffness between layers are summed now, not averaged
- FIXED Results at the end of the row shows correct behaviour of half element length of pile
Version 3.017 - March 30 2023 [Download]
- FIXED User-defined adhesion in skin friction results
- FIXED Chart label for axial resistance graph
Version 3.016 - March 15 2023 [Download]
- NEW Capacity ratio of reinforced concrete sections
- NEW Interaction Diagram Extension including factors from ACI
- NEW Improvement to accuracy of interaction diagrams
- FIXED Crash when the user hits ‘delete’ after clicking on name in borehole editor
- FIXED Groundwater unit weight incorrectly defaulted to 9.81 when in imperial units
- FIXED Issues with Bell in Pile Types Dialog
- FIXED Issue where piles were disappearing when switching the pile analysis type
Version 3.015 - October 26 2022 [Download]
- NEW End-bearing and Skin-friction results added to Individual Pile Analysis
- NEW User Interface updated with new Ribbon Menu & Toolbars
- NEW Axial Pile Head
Stiffness added to Stiffness Matrix Calculator
- NEW Traction Loads information added to Report Generator
- NEW Ratio of steel reinforcement outputted in Reinforced Concrete Section
- FIXED Graphs of Interface Curves made available for axial mode
Contour results for Soil Reaction Force Z' and Soil Stiffness Z included in Individual Pile Analysis
- FIXED Dimensioning Tools in the 3D view fixed such that cursor snaps to edges/vertices properly
- FIXED Display Results in the Same Direction as In Older Versions
- FIXED Erroneous detailed results for Pushover analysis which showed no difference between displacement steps
Erroneous Unit Skin Friction for Piles with a Bell
- FIXED Wrong tooltip image when hovering over piles which are battered
Version 3.014 - September 15 2022 [Download]
- NEW Addition of
interaction diagrams for reinforced piles
- NEW Added results of
individual displacement step for pushover analysis
- FIXED Improved Section
Analysis of Composite Sections
Fixed "Edit Pile
Types" in context menu of group
- FIXED Editing Name of
Custom Contour Option Adds a New Option Instead of Updating Existing One
- FIXED Report generator does
not show correct reinforcement in Pile Section Properties
Disabled Graph Pile
Interface Curve in Graphs menu
Enabled traction
along Z axis for Axial analysis
- FIXED Bug in capacity
analysis (Bored and Driven) of underground piles
- FIXED Adding textbox tool
to the model could crash the program
- FIXED Issues with
calculation of skin-resistance of open-ended pipes in driven analysis
Version 3.013 - July 26 2022 [Download]
- FIXED Deleting Pile Segments Does Not Re-Number the Segments and Changes the Grid Layout
- FIXED Restrained connectivity in Group not working
- FIXED If results files exceeds 4GB it cannot not be read properly
- FIXED Potential infinite loop in borehole/pile interpolation
Version 3.012 - June 10, 2022 [Download]
- NEW Pile Capacity Table Generator.
- NEW Unit Weight of Water Input for Groundwater in Project Settings Tab.
- CHANGED Updated Project Settings dialog to include Program Mode Selection (i.e., Capacity Calculations or Pile Analysis) and separate tabs for each.
- CHANGED Project Settings dialog default Units are automatically saved based on current selection. Save Advanced tab settings as current defaults or restore to program defaults.
- FIXED Sidebar View Control window not sized correctly (vertically).
- FIXED Sidebar scrollbars were not showing correctly after resizing application window.
- FIXED Exporting Blank Image for Resistance Graphs
- FIXED Order of views in report generator does not match order in Report views dialog
- FIXED Drawing issues with Legend and Soil Image when 'Copying to Clipboard'
Version 3.011 - May 11 2022 [Download]
- FIXED Remove displacement profile from group analysis
- FIXED Wrong unit skin friction outputted for driven analysis (Data is truncated)
- FIXED Program crashes due to uninitialized units
Version 3.010 - April 5 2022 [Download]
- NEW Added Raymond and
Monotube piles in back in driven using pile types.
- NEW New accessible
contour colour options are available.
- CHANGED Multi-section pile
type will now be allowed in Driven Pile Analysis Type.
- CHANGED Tapered piles are no
longer be limited to single section. In case of multiple sections, the last
section can be tapered.
- CHANGED More pile types can
now be tapered (e.g., pile pipes and concrete piles).
- FIXED Added missing
Advanced Analysis Stiffness Matrix Calculator information in Pile Settings
section of Report Generator.
- FIXED Some files contained
erroneous nodes.
- FIXED RSPile cannot compute
driven model extending above ground surface.
- FIXED Improved consistency
of unit weight display on Soil Properties.
- FIXED Improved consistency of naming on menus and tooltips.
- FIXED Added Help link to
Contour Options.
- FIXED Improved default
values on Concrete Designer.
- FIXED Wrong depth to
elevation flipping in Advanced analysis graphs.
- FIXED Program Crash When
Hovering Over Soil Box in 3D View For Model With Single Soil Property.
- FIXED Fixed UI
inconsistencies in Pile Head Stiffness Matrix Analysis dialog.
- FIXED Incorrect area of
rebars when analysis is in SI unit.
Version 3.009 - February 4 2022 [Download]
- NEW Displacement (and other) results can be shown in their true directions on 3D view
- CHANGED Improved layout of the Pile Section and Concrete Designer dialog windows
- FIXED Rendering issue in 3D View of Cap Designer
- FIXED Toolbars issue with extra padding showing up
- FIXED Report Generator Producing Error "Encountered improper argument"
- FIXED Crash when opening a file where soil properties were copied from one to another
- FIXED Driven capacity computation error for H Pile section type when using Imperial units
- FIXED 3D rendering of the soil would not update after changing pile orientation angles
Version 3.008 - December 8 2021 [Download]
- NEW User control of project settings defaults
- NEW Unit end bearing and unit skin friction results for driven
- CHANGED Soil properties dialog layout
- CHANGED Units and groundwater settings now controlled through project settings dialog
- CHANGED Consistent user control of property lists
- CHANGED Driven files are now computed using the external engine
- CHANGED Grouped file computing is now significantly faster
- CHANGED Ground slope is now defined using a slope angle, and slope direction
- CHANGED Modeler now correctly only allows tapering of timber piles
- FIXED Missing units in resistance graphs
- FIXED Clicking on piles in the plan view would sometimes not select the pile properly, or show a context menu
- FIXED Missing units in the borehole dialog
- FIXED Missing units in the pile types dialog
- FIXED Case where negative stiffness could be calculated when liquefied sand was used
- FIXED Rare bug where results could vary slightly on subsequent runs of the engine
- FIXED Bug where Method of Georgiadis layer effects were not being applied properly
- FIXED Bug where plug condition was not being set properly for open-ended pipe piles in driven analysis
- FIXED Bug when calculating the overburden stress for skin friction for timber piles in driven analysis
- FIXED Bug where the soil displaced per unit length could change for subsequent runs of the engine for timber piles in driven analysis
- FIXED Bug with the end bearing results of timber piles in driven analysis
- FIXED Bug with the results when using tapered timber piles
- FIXED Inconsistent labelling of pile type edit option in some context menus
- FIXED Bug where grouped pile "Edit Pile Types..." context menu option would not work
- FIXED Incorrect label for plastic moment capacity
- FIXED Incorrect tool tips for pile type rotations
- DISCONTINUED Offline help
Version 3.007 - August 13 2021 [Download]
- CHANGED Removed 'Query' data tips option from view menu because it does nothing in RSPile
- CHANGED Renamed 'None' data tips to 'Off' in the view menu to be consistent with the status bar
- FIXED Bug with the results of grouped pile analysis when the cap is not centered at (0, 0)
- FIXED Crash when trying to add a new pile in an old file that contained no piles
- FIXED Bug where custom rebar size would not be saved after defining it
- FIXED Bug where pile type image was appearing in min data tip mode
- FIXED Bug where changing data tip type from the view menu wouldn't update the status bar
- FIXED Bug where changing data tip type from the view menu wouldn't save selection to the registry
Version 3.006 - June 30 2021 [Download]
- NEW Option to toggle whether Method of Georgiadis is applied
- NEW Skin Friction Unit Resistance and End Bearing Unit Resistance graphs for Bored analysis
- NEW Display option to view reinforced and pre-stressed concrete cross sections in the plan view
- NEW Local axis labels in the concrete designer preview
- NEW Unit labels to pile traction column headers
- NEW Pile Type workflow for defining piles
- NEW Belled piles in Bored and Axial/Lateral analysis
- NEW RSPile will now launch the What's New page for the program whenever a new version is installed
- CHANGED Moved vertical axis controls from the menu and display options to the graph view sidebar
- CHANGED Local axes to be aligned correctly with the global axes by default
- CHANGED Many Driven pile section fields to be input in meters instead of millimeters
- CHANGED Many program default values to be more reasonable
- FIXED Bug in the output moment curvature curve with asymmetric sections
- FIXED Bug in stiffness calculation with Lateral Soft Clay Soil
- FIXED Bug where an error code would not be shown when the engine reached max iterations
- FIXED Bug with Top Deflection X/Y results in pushover analysis in some cases
- FIXED Bug which could cause Z stiffness to be negative for Weak Rock
- FIXED Bug where Y and Z stiffness values would be incorrect for low displacement values for Submerged Stiff Clay
- FIXED Bug which was causing an incorrect P-Y curve for Sand model by Reese
- FIXED Bug that could cause the program to hang with some reinforced concrete models
- FIXED Bug allowing multipliers less than 1 which would cause the engine to hang or fail to converge
- FIXED Bug where graph view chart columns would sometimes shrink
- FIXED Bug causing saturated unit weight check to be reset whenever a user would change soil types
- FIXED Bug allowing users to enter ground slope angle in Driven/Bored analysis even though it wouldn't be used
- FIXED Bug allowing users to perform pile length analysis on non-uniform piles
- FIXED Bug causing incorrect memory values to appear in the tech support information
- FIXED Crash when trying to add pile interface curve graph view to a report
- FIXED Bug causing negative depth values to appear in the soil layer section of the report
- FIXED Bug causing the cross section combo to become hidden in some cases
- FIXED Bug preventing users from using their own custom reinforcement databases
- FIXED Bug causing incorrect discretization and compute failure in some rare cases
- FIXED Bug which would sometimes cause the wrong coordinates to be used when setting a pile or borehole as soil legend
- FIXED Bug where Q-Z curve was incorrectly labelled as Q-W curve
- FIXED Bug causing some icons to display incorrectly
- FIXED Bug causing incorrect values to be imported when importing loads for pile caps
- FIXED Bug where the incorrect tooltip was being shown for Mosher Sand User Defined Es field
- FIXED Bug which could cause data tips to flicker rapidly in some cases
- FIXED Bug which would cause names to display incorrectly if they contained the '&' character in many dialogs
- FIXED Bug where moment capacity values were not properly denoted as being in local coordinates
- FIXED Bug where viewing the graph of a pile with no loading would cause the program to freeze and eventually crash
- FIXED Bug where invalid symbols would be imported from certain file types when trying to import a pile pattern
- FIXED Bug allowing invalid pile number values when importing a pile pattern
- FIXED Some dialogs had invalid context help links
- DISCONTINUED Raymond Uniform Taper driven piles
- DISCONTINUED Monotube driven piles
Version 3.005 - November 25 2020 [Download]
- CHANGED Updated report generator cover page information (date created = the date the report is created)
- CHANGED Updated right click menu of Edit Pile and Edit Pile Pattern caption as well as icons
- CHANGED New analysis mode icons
- CHANGED New look for most icons
- FIXED Issue with edit charts which ensure options are enabled for all graph tabs
- FIXED Issue to ensure correct width and depth is used for typical sections
- FIXED Issue to correctly consider groundwater effect when saturated unit weight checkbox is turned off
- FIXED Minor issue with group effects when no shear load is present
Version 3.004 - October 31 2020 [Download]
- NEW Bored pile capacity analysis mode - new soil/rock and pile types
- NEW Saturated unit weight checkbox added to allow more control of used unit weight
- FIXED Issue with user defined pile section to use correct equivalent diameter in calculations
- FIXED Drawing issue to consider equivalent diameter in user defined pile sections
- FIXED Issue with stiff cohesive soil calculation in Driven pile capacity mode
- FIXED Area conversion for user defined sections Cross Section units feature
- FIXED Overburden pressure calculation for water table elevations below a number of soil/rock layers
Version 3.003 - July 15 2020 [Download]
- NEW Pile location can now be specified at time of entry rather than graphically only
- NEW All Piles now have an unique number that can be edited rather than always auto-assigned
- NEW Rectangular pattern can be converted to custom and edited (e.g. add/delete piles or change locations)
- NEW Report generator replaces Info Viewer to provide more flexibility
- CHANGED Updated visuals such as icons to streamline with other Rocscience products
- FIXED Issue in laterally loaded pile sand and silt models when effective slope angle is close to or greater than friction angle - warnings added.
- FIXED Issue in axially loaded API clay in max alpha parameter computed.
- FIXED Issue when using both group effect factors and p-y, t-z or Q-z multipliers.
Version 3.002 - April 3 2020 [Download]
- FIXED HTML export for multiple piles that would only output data for a random single pile
- FIXED HTML export where graph images would not always show
- NEW Added Peripheral Bars feature for rectangular pattern in concrete designer
- NEW Added Edit Coordinates feature for converting radial or rectangular pattern to custom in concrete designer
Version 3.001 - March 5 2020 [Download]
- NEW Maintenance+ version released.
Version 2018 2.020 - February 07 2020 [Download]
- Improve stability of parallel algorithm (error #215 from omp)
Version 2018 2.019 – October 29 2019
- Fix the bug with outputting t-z curve.
- Better algorithm to account for the ground slope.
- Fix in Info Viewer not outputting number of steps in pushover analysis.
Version 2018 2.018 – September 10 2019
- The local 0,0 coordinate is now displayed for polygonal cap designs.
- Fixed issue where printing of results would result in multiple blank pages due to long tables. Tables are now split.
- Infoviewer would display wrong pile length for edited piles in a cap.
- Improved integration with Slide2.
- Changes in Driven Design Considerations window didn’t immediately update results.
- Piles at high elevation would not display on 3D view.
- Soil column drawing in 3D view was not expanded to include piles with batter angle.
- Fixed bug with non-displacement open end pile to calculate the friction for plug-in section correctly in driven module.
- Fixed bug when a group effect were not applied correctly if the ground surface is not at 0.
- Fixed bug when a force was not applied at the center of a cap.
- Break the calculation of initial strain for concrete section when it can not find the balance state (concrete failed).
- Fixed bug in ground slope angle and batter pile angle.
Version 2018 2.017 – May 28 2019
- Fixed bug with only 1 pile in cap analysis.
- Fixed bug with slope angle for lateral sand soils.
- Pile head stiffness calculation did not take into account moment and/or rotation condition when only one direction is specified.
- Fixed units in K[x,x] pile head stiffness graphs.
- Added ground slope angle label in 3D view.
- Program now warns if possible non-convergence in results happens.
- Fixed orientation of certain plots in Excel.
- Data values are no longer truncated in user defined and typical section pile properties.
- For grouped analysis when a cap elevation was non zero, piles were computed at wrong elevation.
- Improved design validation for reinforced concrete piles.
Version 2018 2.016 – February 27 2019
- Engine wouldn’t compute file if water table coincides with pile’s embedded tip. Existing file with the problem needs to be re-saved.
Version 2018 2.015 – February 6 2019
- Fix for Nordlund calculation of capacity when there is a water table within the layer.
- Fix for Tomlinson ultimate capacity calculation when considering negative skin friction.
- Fix for Nordlund and Tomlinson plugging considerations for toe capacity.
- Added key calculation points to driven pile mesh to improve calculation of soft compressible soil and scour.
- Fix for running RSPile engine from Slide2.
Version 2018 2.014 – January 11 2019
- Fixed units for Soil Reaction and Soil Stiffness results to kN/m and lbs/ft.
- Labels for selecting moment of inertia axis for typical section is more clear now.
- Compute engine no longer crashes for files that have not been resaved when transferred without compute subfolder.
Version 2018 2.013 – December 5 2018
- Improved the stability when user-defined materials were used.
- Output the log file for pile in cap analysis.
- Fixed bugs related to reading v1 files: groundwater level, import of material properties after first for Axial analysis was broken in 2.008 update.
Version 2018 2.012 – November 20 2018
- For Slide 2018 integration, RSPile files using axial capacity was setting the capacity to zero for Slide. Now the proper axial capacity is being computed. This bug was introduced in 2.011.
Version 2018 2.011 – October 15 2018
- Minor fix for Slide integration and obtaining data at sliding depth.
- Fix for pile type dropdown not changing pile type.
- Fix for piles with top elevation above or below ground surface (in Driven mode).
- Updates to graph text and soil layer drawing.
- Updates to Save As HTML option.
- Fix for Depth of Top of Pile (Driven mode).
Version 2018 2.010 – September 27 2018
- Results section in Info Viewer was accidentally removed in one of previous updates. Fixed.
- Slide integration improvements and fixes.
- Terminology and conventions changes: Axial Force input variable is renamed to Force Z and is positive when in Z direction (up). Axial Displacement result variable is now Displacement Z (positive in Z direction).
- Fix for conversion issue in pile dialog Concrete Designer.
- Soil data updates to Infoviewer.
Version 2018 2.009 – July 17 2018
- Layers of zero thickness in soil profile could cause the engine to crash. Fixed.
- Slide integration improvements and fixes.
- Tooltip added for pile cap.
- Driven groundwater display updated.
- Graphical output improvements.
- Added ability to edit pile properties in Group mode.
- Interpolation of ground surface improved.
- Updates to Infoviewer display of soil data.
- Fix for SPT end bearing value bug in material properties dialog.
- Removed strain factor from silt material (lateral analysis). Wasn't being used.
- Update to Driven piles with pile top elevation below ground surface.
Version 2018 2.008 – June 5 2018
- Soil unit weight wasn't being brought in from v1 files. Fixed.
- Fixed importing of soils with the same name during v1 import.
- Bug fix for interpolation of soil material properties.
- Fix for Driven calculation depth output.
- Added missing column to displacement table in Info Viewer.
- Improved the speed, particularly with Slide integration.
- p-y curves now output correctly for all materials.
- Layers of zero thickness in soil profile could cause the engine to crash. Fixed.
Version 2018 2.007 – May 11 2018
- Improvements to Slide 2018 integration.
Version 2018 2.006 – May 8 2018
- Commercial release.
Version 2018 2.004, Beta 2 – April 17 2018
- Improvements and fixes to Group analysis including group effect coefficients, cap designer improvements.
- Slide2 2018 integration.
- Ultimate capacity calculation.
- Plotting p-y curves.
- Results are no longer reset when viewing/saving model or adding annotation tools.
- Many other improvements and fixes.
Version 2018 2.003 – March 29 2018
- Beta 1 release.
Version 1.007 – August 24 2017 [Download]
- Can now turn off high dpi setting in the technical support dialog accessed through the Help menu.
Version 1.006 – July 11 2017
- Now supports high dpi graphics cards.
- Fix crash when mouse is over Recent File menu item and recent documents history is disabled with group policy.
- Added Windows 10 detection to tech support dialog.
Version 1.005 – May 16 2017
- In Driven mode, improved computation engine to better handle complex soil stratigraphy with scour and soft compressible soil. Fixed handling of H-Pile calculations. Fixed soil layer numbering in InfoViewer.
- In Axial mode, changed end bearing values to be inputted in force per area units. Improved elastic soil model to handle plug conditions assuming infinite strength.
- In Lateral mode, minor bug fixes and improvements to computation engine.
- Fixed print output to generate correct number of pages.
Version 1.004 – August 17 2016
- The system default browser now opens the Help.
- Fixed plastic material pile issue.
- Fixed issue with tapered piles.
- Fixed file writing issues.
- Fixed some url issues in the Help menu.
Version 1.003 – January 21 2016
- The user can define a pile Length Above Ground. Thus, the Embedment Length has been changed to a total Pile Length.
- New User Defined Pile Section added to the pile dialog
- Standard AISC Sections updated with section depth, max moment of inertia and min moment of inertia
- For Standard AISC Sections, user can specify to use the strong or weak axis for laterally loaded piles analysis (Lateral Mode)
- For analyzing the axial capacity of driven piles (Driven Mode), the user can analyze tapered pile sections
- In Driven Mode, the pile segment discretization has been updated to evenly space calculation nodes based on the total number of pile segments specified
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 1.002 – December 11 2015
- Commercial release.