Version 5.007 - January 31 2025 [Download]
- NEW RSInsight access from Help menu
- CHANGED Splash and copyright update
Version 5.006 - September 12 2023 [Download]
- NEW Link to third party licenses in About Dialog
- NEW Windows 11 detection in Technical Support Dialog
- CHANGED Project Summary separated from Project Settings Dialog
- CHANGED Splash and copyright update
- CHANGED Improved message for Maintenance+ subscription.
- FIXED Windows 11 Dialog droplist Controls not drawn correctly
Version 5.005 - April 5 2022 [Download]
- NEW Add new Dockform.
- NEW Add result of displacement at support for Automate function.
- NEW New CCM-TBM method. (Almog et al. 2015)
- CHANGED Updated Technical Support dialog to replace email link with link to support form. Added System Information for Display resolution and scaling.
- CHANGED Convert RocSupport to 64bit.
- CHANGED Remove Offline Help.
- CHANGED Update internal help links.
- CHANGED Icon, Splash Screen and Copyright Update.
- FIXED Value of TBM confinement pressure not written to file when file is saved.
- FIXED Erroneous value of convergence at the tunnel face after inputting TBM pressure.
- FIXED Hyperlink in Common Types dialog of Rockbolt does nothing.
Version 5.004 - September 24 2021 [Download]
- CHANGED Updated Technical Support dialog to replace email link with link to support form. Added System Information for Display resolution and scaling.
- CHANGED Updated splash screen.
- FIXED Fix to truncated normal distribution in case of very large relative min or max for a probabilistic analysis.
Version 5.003 - December 17 2020 [Download]
- NEW Added the Batch Compute feature. This feature allows users to compute and generate results for several RocSupport model files.
- NEW Added the Automate from Excel feature. This feature allows users to automate RocSupport model inputs, compute and generate results.
- NEW Added Deterministic, and Probabilistic Excel Templates for use with Automate from Excel feature.
- NEW Added Common Support Types from Slide2.
- NEW Added Reduction Factors to Support Properties.
- NEW Added a warning message when opening a file version newer than the program version. The user has the option to proceed or abort loading the file. No results from newer file versions are read.
- CHANGED Updated icons to the latest
- FIXED URLS of help documents
- FIXED incorrect rollup behavior in Input Parameters dialogs
Version 5.002 - November 1 2019 [Download]
- NEW Maintenance+ version released.
Version 4.008 - February 27 2019 [Download]
- Now supports new website Help system.
- Updated the local help.
- Fixed a bug in Lee and Pietruszczak solution method that would cause a hang when used under certain circumstances with support.
- New Safenet security update.
Version 4.007 - August 24 2017
- Can now turn off high dpi setting in the technical support dialog accessed through the Help menu.
Version 4.006 - July 11 2017
- Now supports high dpi graphics cards.
- Fix crash when mouse is over Recent File menu item and recent documents history is disabled with group policy.
- Added Windows 10 detection to tech support dialog.
Version 4.005 - January 11 2016
- If tunnel depth and unit weight are used to compute in situ stress, they are now shown in the tunnel view and the Infoviewer.
Version 4.004 - November 25 2015
- When using gravitational input for insitu stress, the depth and unit weight are now displayed in the tunnel view and the Info Viewer.
- Project summary information was not being saved to the data file. Fixed.
- Software now looks for all usable licenses on all usable license servers.
Version 4.004 - February 11 2015
- The plastic zone radius was incorrect for Vrakas & Anagnostou solution. Fixed.
Version 4.001 - January 29 2015
- Commercial release.
Version 3.015 - September 20 2013
- Updated Help system to support Google Chrome and IE10.
Version 3.014 - July 5 2013
- Updated the mi table of typical values to be consistent with the latest version published in Practical Rock Engineering, Rock mass Properties chapter.
Version 3.013 - January 17 2013
- Fixed a bug with printing of the Infoviewer.
Version 3.012 - April 20 2012
- Revised the method for computing support capacity based on this paper. This will result in different factors of safety, especially for steel sets. The equation originally used from the book “Underground Excavations in Rock” by Hoek and Brown had an error in it associated with blocking angle.
- Online Help would now launch in Internet Explorer if Google Chrome is the default browser. The online help does not properly work in Google Chrome.
- New install. Supports UAC.
- >Modulus was incorrectly being read from version 2 files for Generalized Hoek-Brown materials.
- Under rare circumstances the clipboard would be corrupted. Fixed.
- Excel charting of multiple datasets would sometimes not work with Excel 2007.
- Security system update to allow for educational updates and improve commercial network version.
- Added the Vlachopoulos and Diederichs method to determine the amount of displacement prior to support instalaltion.
- Added the ability to put in a custom thickness of a shotcrete/concrete lining.
- Composite support systems made up of more than one of bolts/shotcrete/steel sets/custom support types was using the average strain to failure of the different support types. This resulted in lower factors of safety when adding certain support, for example adding bolts to steel sets. This has now been changed so that the maximum strain to failure is used. This gives more realistic behavior.
- Improved printing.
- In probabilistic mode,the mean ground reaction curve was not being computed correctly for Hoek-Brown materials with modulus being computed from strength.
- Poisson ratio was not being read correctly from the data file.
- In probabilistic mode, the extents of the ground reaction curve were not being computed correctly.
- Now supports multiple HASPHL locks on the same USB hub.
- Added the new Hoek-Diederichs modulus estimation method.
- Updated documentation.
- Fixed a memory utilization problem in the histogram plots.
- In a probabilistic analysis using the Carranza-Torres solution method, you now have the option to use the GHB strength criteria to estimate the modulus. This is instead of defining modulus as a random variable.
- New Hasp-HL hardlock support. Removed support for old beige hardlocks.
- Added Critical Pressure to Analysis Results section in Infoviewer.
- For Carranza-Torres probabilistic analysis the program now computes distributions of Compressive Strength of Rock Mass and Hoek-Brown parameters mb, s, a if they we not directly entered by user. They can now be used for generating custom plot variables.
- Release of new version of RocSupport.
Version 2.028
- Fix: Probabilistic Analysis - statistical distributions for each input random variable were being generated with the same random number sequence. All input random variable distributions are now generated using different random number sequences.
- Fix: Under certain circumstances if Hoek-Brown assist dialog was used to calculate compressive strength or friction angle, the program would ignore later changes to friction angle and always recompute it from Hoek-Brown parameters.
- New: Critical pressure was added to Analysis Results section in Infoviewer.
Version 2.027
- Support for new Educational system. Also update dll's to latest microsoft versions.
Version 2.026
- Update hardlock and nodelock software.
Version 2.025
- A bug with the calculation of Young's modulus for materials with intact unconfined compressive strength greater than 100 MPa has been fixed. The bug was introduced in version 2.023.
Version 2.024
- Improved performance for beige hardlocks.
- Update to auto-update code and nodelock code.
- Bug fix for network version and path path dialog.
- Updated hardlock api for new hardware.
Version 2.023
- EMF/WMF image files now export correctly.
- Improved license management for network versions.
- Improved look under WinXP.
- Fixed textbox positioning and greyscale mode bugs.
- Updated Hoek-Brown criterion.
- Added window tabs.
- Added preferences dialog for window tabs and Office XP menu style.
- Added undo history.
- Updated export image file (it now allows to scale image like Dips/Interpret).
- Fixed display options dialog bug which didn't always save values for thickness of support layer.
- Added extra digit of precision for tunnel convergence value.
- Added open recent folder and open example folder.
- Added ability to select and open multiple files in Open File dialog.
- Toolbars are split into smaller parts so that all buttons can be visible when resizing window to a smaller size.
Version 2.022
- The mi table did not work correctly. This has been fixed.Printer logic has been changed. Printers are now set up just before printing.
- This isolates a problem with printing to some HP printers due to a HP driver bug.
Version 2.02
- Automatic update technology added. Customers with a web connection will automatically be notified and allowed to update when a new minor version is released.
- A new splash screen.
- Nodelocking now possible.
Version 2.01
- New tunnel view, which gives user more control over data representation.
- Export GRC chart, histogram and cumulative plots to Microsoft Excel.
- Option of using pseudo-random or random numbers to generate distributions.